Dose Chex
Dose Chex drug calculator helps you calculate drug doses and administer medication safely. Medications errors are a frequent occurrence. By removing steps at which human error can affect the administration process Dose Chex aids patient safety. It has been designed by a senior NHS nurse with over 25 years experience in acute adult nursing and critical care.
calculators for all situations
Suspensions and solutions may be prescribed by dose or by volume of the solution. The app allows you to select the strength of the solution and then enter the prescribed dose or volume. The instructions for administration are shown immediately at the bottom of the screen.
Safety built in
Dose Chex includes a number of features to help you avoid errors.
Highlighting of excessively large or small values – this helps avoid errors due to selecting incorrect units
Weight range – restrict the weight range to fit with the patient population you care for.
Conversion between units – you select the input and output units and the conversions will be done for you.
The video below shows a brief overview of some of the features of Dose Chex.